Protect your whois data with our privacy solution


Did you know that your name, email address and phone number are made publically available within the Whois database when you register any domain name? Any spammer, solicitor and other prying eyes can find your personal information online,24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
When buying a domain name you have to provide accurate contact information or else your domain registration could be terminated as it would be in violation of the registration agreement.
This information has to be made publicly available to everyone via the public WHOIS database as required by ICANN, the international governing body for domain names. Everyday, this valuable source of accurate contact information is targeted and harvested by spammers and telemarketers resulting in unwanted and unsolicited contact. Also since your contact information is public, you are at risk for identity theft and fraud and of being contacted by harassers and stalkers.
Unsecured Whois

Unsecured Whois

Name: Harry Dawson
Organization: Harry Dawson Productions
Your Administration Contact Details
Your Technical Contact Details
Your Billing Contact Details
Phone: + 2 678 999 1234

Secured Whois with

Secured Whois with

Name: WhoisSecure
Organization: WhoisSecure
Your Administration Contact Details :18 San Carlos Street, Los Angeles, California, 94110, United States.
Your Technical Contact Details:
Phone: +1-6144481974

WhoisSecure ensures that your private information is not published by replacing all your publicly visible contact details with alternate contact information.
We are not the owners of any domain names protected using our service. You retain full ownership of the domain and have complete control of it at no additional overhead.
One can disable/enable WhoisSecure at any time and is provided absolutely free.